Apr 20, 2020

Top 3 reason why you should use Augmented Reality for your organization



Don’t fall behind on advancing your organization from a technological standpoint. We are in an age of ever-increasing use cases of how Augmented Reality is changing the way we interact in the virtual space. Instead, create a more focused, user driven experience that lets you connect your customers or users on a way never before. Here are the top 3 reasons for why your organization should invest in Augmented Reality:

1. Fixing highly technical issues quickly

If you are running into a major technical issue and you need to fix it quick, do you have the right people who can confidently do it before you send them off? For example, if the power goes out in one of your facilities and a control box requires highly technical skills to operate but the person you sent has tried everything and nothing is working, do you delay the fix longer or do you sent someone else out?

Using AR glasses like Microsoft HoloLens, your field operator would simply use the headset and make a call to their manager who will in turn can use either their computer or even their mobile device and tune in to see exactly what your field techs sees. The manager can take a screenshot, draw, share files and even connect other techs on the call who will all see what the field tech is looking at. The point is you can increase collaboration and minimize delay and risk.

Leveraging this technology whether it is an application on a mobile device or through an AR headset will benefit both yourself and the customer.

2. Create interesting lectures and training classes

Universities are great places where classes leverage AR. A favorite for Universities involves anatomy classes. These will include 3D models of a human body. To do this, you need to have an application for the device that allows you to display it into the glasses. There are many companies out there that provide these apps and you can incorporate these in classroom lectures. Students wear headsets that display interactive 3D models creating a way to learn that was never done before. AR helps speed up the learning curve and creates a better way to study the human body.

3. Help customer with their purchase decision

How many times did we make a purchase decision on Amazon based on the number or positive reviews the product had?

Using AR on mobile devices, consumers can have a more informed purchasing decision than ever before. Retailers can leverage AR within their applications to deliver content specifically aimed at consumers. Using AI and predicative analytics companies can help the customer decide between buying one product or the other much faster. For example, a consumer can scan a QR code of a product on the mobile device in the app that automatically displays relevant information such as price, other customer reviews or other items similar in the category. Retailers need to utilize this technology and make it available for all so that the customer do not get overwhelmed and delay the purchase.

In conclusion, there are many other creative ways that AR helps businesses achieve their goals and there are many providers out there that provide the tools for the job. Leveraging this technology whether it is an application on a mobile device or through an AR headset will benefit both yourself and the customer.

Dennis Korol is tech evangelist and covers articles on technology and the future of digital transformation in our era.